Application Instructions For Research Verified® Fungus Killer

How to apply Research Verified® Fungus Killer

You should apply Research Verified® Fungus Killer directly to the affected nails two to three times a day using the applicator brush provided, making sure to coat the entire nail and cuticles. Use the product after bathing, putting on socks and shoes, and before going to bed. Do not cover the nail after applying for at least 30 minutes to allow the product to be fully absorbed. At least once a week, roughen up the nail using an emery board. This will help speed up the healing process and enable the nail to fully absorb the product. Never use the same nail equipment on healthy nails as you use on infected nails.

When will you see results?

The rate of healing will vary from person to person, but most people notice some improvement within a month of using the product. It is important to continue using the solution until the new nail has grown in to ensure the total eradication of the fungus and prevent reoccurence. This can take around 4-6 months for fingernails and about 6-8 months for toenails.

How long will one bottle last?

This will depend on your rate of usage, the severity of the infection, and how many nails infected, but one bottle should last approximately one month.

Further steps to increase the rate of healing and prevent reoccurence:

  • Avoid covering up the nails with closed shoes and socks.
  • Dry nails well after showering or swimming and keep them well ventilated.
  • Avoid wearing nail polish.
  • Always wear shoes in public places including locker rooms and swimming pools.
  • Don't share towels and nail equipment with other people.
  • Don't use the same nail clippers and nail files on healthy nails.
  • Keep your healthy nails protected by using the nail protein and cuticle cream.