If you’re suffering from persistent gut problems, it is understandable that you are on the search for a solution to transform your gut health. Red Light Therapy has emerged as a promising treatment for gut issues. This blog post will delve into Red Light Therapy and how it can benefit gut health. 

What is Red Light Therapy?

Red Light Therapy (RLT) is a fascinating area of study in the health and wellness field. But what exactly is it? In simple terms, Red Light Therapy involves exposing your body to low levels of red or near-infrared light. This therapy works at the cellular level. The red or near-infrared light stimulates the mitochondria in your cells, which in turn boosts energy production and promotes healing and rejuvenation. Imagine your cells on a high-energy workout!

Role of the Gut in Overall Health

The gut is often referred to as our second brain, and for good reason! The gut is a complex system that does much more than just break down food (1). Here’s how it affects us:

  • Immunity – A significant part of our immune system resides in the gut, influencing our ability to fight off infections. 
  • Mood and Hormone Health – Believe it or not, our gut communicates with our brain and can even influence mood and hormone balance.
  • Digestion- The gut plays an essential role in digesting food and absorbing nutrients, making it vital to our overall well-being.

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Red Light Therapy and Gut Health

It’s time to connect the dots. How does Red Light Therapy influence our gut health?

Altering the Gut Microbiome

Some studies suggest that Red Light Therapy might positively alter the gut microbiome (2). Increasing the beneficial bacteria in the gut can alleviate common gastrointestinal discomforts such as gas, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea.

>>Waking Up Gassy And Bloated? Find Out Why!

Reducing Inflammation

Red Light Therapy may also help to reduce inflammation in the bowel, which could help reduce recurrent and chronic gut issues (3). 

Stimulation of Serotonin Production

Red Light Therapy’s impact on cellular function isn’t confined to energy production alone. Promising research has shown that exposure to specific wavelengths can lead to increased serotonin levels, which can contribute to enhanced mood as well as better digestion and gut motility (4). While this study focuses on the use of photobiomodulation (a broader term that includes Red Light Therapy) for major depressive disorder, it discusses the biological mechanisms, including the potential stimulation of serotonin. It provides insight into how Red Light Therapy could be utilized to increase serotonin levels not only in the brain but also in the gut, opening up potential therapeutic applications in gastrointestinal health. However, more research is needed on this subject. 

Side Effects of Red Light Therapy

While Red Light Therapy is typically considered safe, studies have suggested that Red Light Therapy may not be suitable for those suffering from cancer as it may increase cancer cell aggression (5). Additionally, it is possible to experience skin irritation or increased sensitivity after treatment, although this is usually temporary. In any case, you should always consult with your healthcare provider before undertaking any new treatments. 


In conclusion, Red Light Therapy offers a fascinating and promising avenue for improving gut health. Its ability to act at the cellular level and possibly alter the microbiome sets it apart as a unique therapeutic option. Individual results may vary, and as with any therapy, it is always wise to seek professional advice.


Trina used to be a full time hospital dietician but now works as a medical secretary in a small clinic. She and Mr. Walker are proud empty-nesters living in Denver, Colorado and looking forward to the next time their children come to visit. On the weekends, Trina enjoys visiting Bonita, Chino, and Bernardo, the golden lion tamarins at the Denver Zoo.

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