Bloating isn’t just uncomfortable—it can disrupt your day and affect your quality of life. As we seek solutions in the realm of diet and supplements, probiotics emerge as a promising ally. These beneficial bacteria, synonymous with gut health, have a reputation for tackling digestive woes, but their efficacy against bloating merits a closer look. In this post, we will explore the question of how probiotics help with bloating.

Understanding Bloating

That swollen, tight feeling in your abdomen, commonly known as bloating, has ties to various factors. From the speed of your digestion to the types of foods you consume, many variables can influence this common digestive complaint. The quest for relief is not just about addressing symptoms but also about understanding the root causes that contribute to this uneasy sensation.

Probiotics: A Brief Overview

Probiotics are live microorganisms that add to the natural gut microbiota when ingested in adequate amounts. These microscopic benefactors are found in fermented foods and dietary supplements, where they stand guard over our gut health, helping to maintain the delicate balance of our intestinal ecosystem.

Do Probiotics Help with Bloating?

The relationship between the gut microbiome and bloating is intricate. An imbalance in this finely tuned system can lead to increased gas production and digestive distress. Probiotics have the potential to restore harmony to the gut flora, reducing bloating and promoting a sense of digestive well-being.

Clinical studies reinforce the role of probiotics in managing bloating, especially for individuals with conditions like IBS (1). Researchers have found that certain strains, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis, are particularly effective in regulating digestive function and alleviating gas, a primary culprit behind bloating (2). By enhancing the breakdown of foodstuffs that are notoriously hard to digest, probiotics minimize gas production. Beyond this, they fortify the intestinal barrier, keeping bloating at bay by preventing the undue accumulation of gas (3).

Frequently Asked Questions about Probiotics: Everything you need to know

Lifestyle and Dietary Considerations

While probiotics can be an effective tool, they are part of a broader dietary and lifestyle strategy to combat bloating. Paying attention to eating patterns, meal timing, and food sensitivities also plays a pivotal role in managing bloating.

Supplements vs. Food Sources

Whether through naturally fermented foods or concentrated supplements, probiotics are accessible in various forms. Supplements might provide a precise dose of targeted strains, whereas foods offer a broader spectrum of bacteria, contributing to overall gut health. A combination of both might get you the best results.

What is the best probiotic for bloating?

It’s vital to note that not all probiotics are the same. The benefits vary significantly between different strains, making it crucial to choose the ones with a proven track record against bloating. Generally, the best probiotics for bloating offer a comprehensive approach with many different strains. Research Verified Probiotic, for example, contains 10 different strains of probiotics, including Saccharomyces boulardii,  Lactobacillus casei,  Lactobacillus rhamnosus and  Lactobacillus acidophilus.


If you’re grappling with bloating, probiotics may be worth considering. They offer a natural approach to rebalancing your gut flora and alleviating discomfort. As with any dietary change, it’s important to listen to your body and consult with healthcare providers, especially if your symptoms persist. Embrace the journey to better gut health, and let probiotics lead the way to a less bloated, more comfortable you.

Research Verified Probiotic With Prebiotic: Your Gut’s New Best Friend


Andrew Lennon is a naturopathic physician based in Windsor, California. He frequently recommends Research Verified products to his friends and clients and was delighted to be asked to write for the blog. His primary hobbies include golf, paddleboarding, and sampling the locally grown wine, but the fact of the matter is that his favorite pastime is anything that can be done with his wife, children, and their pet dog, Angelica.

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