It’s travel season and you’re excited to get out of town. Whether you’re a wilderness wanderer or a city explorer, making sure you feel your best while traveling is key to enjoying every moment of your adventure. Packing the right supplements can help you stay healthy, energized, and ready to take on any travel challenge that comes your way. For the anxious travelers, the ones who experience travel constipation, the insomniacs, the over-doers, and the ones who get sick after taking a holiday, Research Verified has supplements to help. I’m excited to tell you about the supplements we have in store for you so you can live your vacation to the fullest. Let’s get started!

Supplements For The Anxious Traveler

Are you a worrier? Do long queues or the thought of traffic make you uneasy? If you feel like you’re too anxious to enjoy some time away from home, consider Ashwagandha or Anxiety Relief.


Ashwagandha is a natural herb that is considered to be an adaptogen, meaning that it helps the body respond to and recover from stress. It has been shown to reduce levels of cortisol, which is one of the stress hormones (1). Start taking Research Verified Ashwagandha a few weeks before your vacation – results require consistent use.

Entering your vacation with a higher stress threshold could help decrease your worry and have a positive impact on your overall experience. Plus, Ashwagandha is associated with better sleep, which can improve overall wellbeing.

>>Reduce Stress This Vacation: CLICK HERE To Learn More About Research Verified Ashwagandha

Anxiety Relief

Anxiety Relief by Research Verified is a supplement for continuous anxiety relief. It has a day formula and a night formula, both of which are designed with clinically studied ingredients for alleviating feelings of anxiety and helping the body to relax. With key ingredients such as L-Theanine, Bacopa monnieri, and Magnesium, it aims to support a calm and balanced mood during the day and restful sleep at night. These ingredients work synergistically to reduce stress, enhance cognitive function, and maintain overall emotional well-being, making it a comprehensive solution for those seeking natural anxiety management.

Stay Calm And Balanced With Research Verified Anxiety Relief

Supplements For The Constipated traveler

Does traveling make you constipated? You’re not alone. Experiencing changes in your bathroom habits is actually a very common traveler’s concern. Changes in your daily schedule and diet combined with the likelihood of a decrease in hydration and the stress of travel is a recipe for constipation. But fear not! There are supplements that can help your efforts to maintain gut health while traveling.


ConstiRelief is designed to quickly relieve constipation. It contains gentle laxative ingredients, fiber, and a probiotic to boost digestive health. While this formula does provide ingredient that promote a laxative effect, the majority of the formula is devoted to improving intestinal health for improved bowel movements. Therefore, you can take a maintenance dose of this product for continued anti-constipation support.

Keep Your Gut Happy on the Go


Research Verified Probiotic can also be used to promote gut health and regularity. Traveling can affect the gut microbiome, but taking a probiotic can help you get back on track. With 10 strains of probiotic and a prebiotic to nourish a healthier gut microbiome, our Probiotic supplement may help to prevent constipation, diarrhea, and other digestive discomforts.

>>Support Your Digestive Health: CLICK HERE To Find Out About Our Probiotic

Supplments For The Traveler Who Can’t Sleep

Sleep Aid

Sleep Aid is the go-to for travelers who find themselves facing sleepless nights. Time zone changes, jet lag, and a shift in your routine can all affect your ability to fall asleep – which is super inconvenient, because of course you want to be fully rested so you can enjoy your vacation to its fullest. Containing a blend of sleep aids, such as Melatonin, Chamomile, Lemon Balm, and Valerian Root, this supplement is designed to be taken 30 minutes before you go to bed in order to help you fall asleep faster and experience more restful sleep. For best results, dim the lights as you get closer to bedtime and practice a calming routine.

>>Get Restful Sleep Anywhere: CLICK HERE To Learn About Sleep Aid

Ashwagandha (Again!)

Ashwagandha’s benefits go far beyond relieving stress. This popular herbal supplement has been shown to positively improve sleep time and time again (2). A 2021 study found that both healthy adults and individuals with insomnia saw improvements related to their sleep in response to Ashwagandha supplementation (3). However, in order to experience the effects on Ashwagandha on sleep, you need to supplement for a few weeks, so you should start supplementation before going away on your adventure.

Enhance Your Sleep Quality: Discover Ashwagandha Benefits

Acid Reflux Relief

Acid Reflux Relief may come in handy if you got excited over the food opportunities at your destination and now acid reflux is keeping you awake. When the acid rises and you can’t fathom lying down, take Research Verified Acid Reflux half an hour before going to bed. This unique formula contains ingredients to help inhibit the production of gastric acid, support the function of digestive enzymes, and promote a healthier GI tract. Because melatonin can help prevent gastric acid secretion, Acid Reflux Relief provides 6 mg of melatonin. This can be doubly beneficial because acid reflux is frequently a problem around bed time, and melatonin is well-known for promoting sleep.

>>Prevent Acid Reflux Disruptions: CLICK HERE To Check Out Acid Reflux Relief

Supplements For The Traveler Who Does Too Much


Magnesium is involved in over 300 processes in the body and levels can become depleted when you’re constantly on the go. Magnesium aids in adjusting to new time zones by regulating sleep cycles and reducing jet lag. It also helps relax muscles, alleviate cramps from prolonged sitting, and reduce stress and anxiety, promoting overall relaxation. Additionally, magnesium supports digestive health, preventing travel-induced constipation, and boosts energy levels and immune function, helping travelers stay energized and healthy. These benefits make magnesium a valuable supplement for maintaining well-being on the go.

>>Stay Energized and Relaxed: CLICK HERE To Explore The Benefits Of Magnesium

Leg cramp Relief

If you’re an active vacationer who’s prone to leg cramps, Leg Cramp Relief might be just what you need for those late-night or early-morning pains that wake you up. When you’re constantly on the move, you deplete certain nutrients, such as the B vitamins and Magnesium, that are linked to leg cramps. Our leg cramp relief supplement contains these essential nutrients as well as Chamomile which is considered a muscle relaxant, Ginger which stimulates circulation to the muscles, and BioPerine to enhance absorption.

Prevent Leg Cramps on Your Adventures: Discover Leg Cramp Relief

Supplements For The Traveler Who Gets Sick

Immune booster

Getting sick is awful – but getting sick on vacation is just plain miserable. Whether you’re the type to get sick while you travel or the kind who gets sick immediately after returning home, there are some supplements that may be able to help. There are many nutrients, such as Vitamin C and Zinc, that boost your immune system to help your body fight off illness more effectively. We’ve done thorough research into the ingredients that are most effective for strengthening the immune system, and combined them together to make our Immune Booster. With Echinacea and Astragalus to support strong white blood cell production, antioxidants to scavenge free radicals, and immune-supporting herbs, this product has the right ingredients to help keep your immune system strong.

>>Boost Your Immunity Before You Travel: CLICK HERE To Learn About Immune Booster

Final Words

From all of us at Research Verified, we wish you safe travels and a healthy vacation!

Discover Our Essential Travel Supplements – And Much More!


Trina used to be a full time hospital dietician but now works as a medical secretary in a small clinic. She and Mr. Walker are proud empty-nesters living in Denver, Colorado and looking forward to the next time their children come to visit. On the weekends, Trina enjoys visiting Bonita, Chino, and Bernardo, the golden lion tamarins at the Denver Zoo.

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