Let’s be honest: no matter how much you know about the menstrual cycle, there’s always more to learn. Our bodies are complex miracles and we never want to upset the balance that keeps us functioning regularly. This is why we have to be careful about what we put into our bodies, and collagen is no exception. So, does collagen affect the menstrual cycle? In this post we will answer this question as well as the inverse of this question, namely: does the menstrual cycle affect collagen?

The Quick Answer

Does collagen affect menstrual cycle? No, it does not. However, the menstrual cycle does affect collagen. Collagen is not a static part of the body and is constantly being built and broken down. As a woman’s hormones cycle, her collagen levels cycle as well. This means that not only menstruation but also menopause is connected to collagen levels.

What is collagen?

Collagen is a structural protein that can be found in different forms throughout the body. 28 types of collagen have been discovered, but types 1, 2, 3, and 4 are the most abundant. These forms of collagen are present in joints, muscles, tendons, cartilage, blood vessels, and most famously: skin. One of the primary roles of collagen is to maintain the shape of the organ tissues.

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Collagen And The Menstrual Cycle

As hormones cycle, so does collagen. Maintaining collagen levels throughout the body is a continuous process in which various enzymes and signaling molecules are involved. Let’s briefly have an overview of the collagen cycle and then we will continue with how the menstrual cycle affects it.

The collagen cycle

The collagen cycle begins with the synthesis of pro-collagen molecules by fibroblast cells. These pro-collagen molecules then undergo several modifications, such as the removal of extra peptides, cross-linking of amino acids, and folding into triple-helix structures. Once the pro-collagen molecules are fully processed, they are secreted into the extracellular matrix and converted into collagen fibers.

However, collagen fibers are not immortal, and they eventually degrade due to natural wear and tear or external factors. The degradation process is carried out by enzymes called matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), which break down collagen fibers into smaller peptides and amino acids. This degradation helps to remove the damaged or misaligned collagen fibers and pave the way for new collagen synthesis.

When there is more MMP activity than pro-collagen molecules being produced, then collagen loss occurs, leading to tissue damage and wrinkles.

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How the menstual cycle affects the collagen cycle

Collagen production is linked to levels of the hormone estradiol. When estradiol is high, then collagen production slows down (1). This is because estrogens block the fibroblasts from producing collagen (2). Therefore, during stages of the menstrual cycle where estrogen is high, collagen levels are lower. For example, collagen synthesis is reduced during ovulation (2). It is also believed that collagen is lower during the late follicular stage (a couple of days before ovulation), and that this may explain why muscular and tendon injuries occur more frequently during this stage than other stages of the menstrual cycle (3). However, some believe that the effect of estrogens on collagen density is not significant (3).


Collagen does not affect menstrual cycle but the menstrual cycle does affect collagen. It is considered safe to take collagen supplements during all phases of the menstrual cycle. Because collagen production slows down during the days before ovulation and through ovulation, one could make a case that collagen supplementation is especially important during this time. However, more research into the effect of menstruation on the collagen cycle is still needed before anything definitive can be said. If you supplement with collagen regularly, then you don’t need to concern yourself with how your menstrual cycle might affect your collagen levels.

Regularly supplementing with collagen can have many benefits. Collagen supplements help to keep joints strong and maintain the structure of the hair, skin, and nails. Taking collagen may help reduce joint pain, strengthen hair and nails, and keep wrinkles at bay, in addition to supporting the integrity of various tissues throughout the body. With benefits like these, it’s no wonder that collagen supplements are so popular. Whether you’re just starting with collagen or it’s time to top up your collagen supply, you can order Research Verified Collagen Powder here.

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Emily Anderson is a nutrition writer from Scranton, Pennsylvania. As a member of the 5 a.m. club, she does most of her writing before the sun comes up. When not writing, Emily enjoys spending time with her family and scouring the latest self-help books for pearls of wisdom she can share with others.

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